Just as with other radio related hobbies, this is quite an interesting one:
- Using an appropriate air band receiver (or any receiver capable of tuning frequencies between 108 and 137 MHz in AM);

- and a home built 1/4 wavelength antenna (approx 2 dB gain):

- With an adequate ACARS decoder software (which decodes signals using the soundcard), information transmitted through this protocol can be seen, as long as you are tuned to the right frequency. For example in Europe the frequency would be 131.725 MHz:
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .###### Message label: 10 Block id: 8 Msg. no: M80A Flight id: ###### Message content:- FTX01.LGWKOGT COULD YOU ADVISE THE FOOTY SCORES. TA
Combining this hobby with the actual airplane spotting can be very fun, making it ideal for a relaxing weekend, when no more activities seem to exist :)
Da próxima levamos essa antena pro Aeroporto?
Grande Maluco!!!
Quando pensas em vir trabalhar no VoIP e aproveitar essa creatividade toda???
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